

Turn every page till you reach the end,
Read every word before you press 'send'
It just might not be the one thing that will set you free
But one that will tear you completely

Think of the reasons why you're writing these words
Think of the reasons why it's taken so long
Remember, not all that's unheard needs to be heard
Or bless it'd be relief, then the former is wrong

Having been through the same I tell you this
If no one gets hurt, then do as you wish
Ask yourself what you want the moment after
Do you want to be held both from cries and laughter?

To get over was one of the reasons I sent mine
That wasn't all true, I prayed he'd look at me a second time
Having been through months with no signs, I tell you
If he really wants you he'll ask you

Before you go and finally hit that button
Tell this to yourself one last time
You are not to blame for wanting to move on
Letting your heart out isn't a crime

What he chooses isn't yours to make
What's yours to choose is for your own sake
So send that love, but don't expect
The love you deserve you will soon get.

© Illegna