

**The Measure of Success**
The measure of success is found in true happiness,
In moments of joy, in times we feel blessed.
It's not in the wealth or the power we gain,
But in the love that we share, in the peace we sustain.

Success is a smile that brightens the day,
A kind word, a gentle touch along the way.
It's the laughter that echoes in a room full of friends,
The comfort in knowing our hearts never bends

It's the quiet moments of peace and rest,
The feeling of knowing we've done our best.
It's the love that we share, the bonds that we weave,
The small acts of kindness we give and receive.

It's in a child's laughter, a lover's embrace,
The warmth of sunshine upon your face.
It's a heart at peace, free from distress,
These are the marks of true success.

Success isn't measured by riches or fame,
But by how we live, and the strength of our name.
It's found in the joy, the love that we spread,
In the lives that we touch, and the paths that we tread.

So seek the moments pure and bright,
In simple things, find your delight.
For in the end, life's true finesse,
Is the happiness we hold, that's our greatest success!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo