

I slept with her
I slept with her
But I dared not to touch
Though she had been the only only one I wanted to
My sunshine from the morning window

I slept with her
But I dared not to touch
Though I had been waiting for this for years
To see the texture her skin shares

But how could I?
So far I have slept with multiple
And she had none
For she was too scared to get done!

But how could I?
When these hands have reddened multiple women
What if me touching hurts her?
Will she ever come again near my pur?

I slept with her
But I dared not to touch
And how could I?
What if I was the monster she was scared of all night?

I slept with her
But I dared not to touch
Because I knew, once I do
I cannot be that guy again whom she can't trust!
© bhavs