

One Sided Love
One sided love is a pure joy in disguise,
Just let the person be, let him not suffice..
Save those emotions, for every being,
Bring for them love, care and springs..
Isn't the feeling of love enough ?
True love anyways is not to bluff.
Love is too altruistic to expect instead,
this love from one to everyone spread.
Be kind, led a hand, don't anticipate.
The quantity of love is the quality conveyed!
Accept people the way they are,
Love them flaws love them scars !!
Ensuingly you will the get the cause,
Of What to die for, why to live because,
true contentment is in proclivity,
So love others and you then will be ,
The most loved soul, free and wise
As one sided love is a pure joy in disguise
© metaphor muse twinkle