

Death Masquerades O Tortured Poet's Lore
Tortured Poet's Tedious Day, Penny's poet eats porridge Says,
Letters lost and drifting lore, a poem of love or a tale so gore.
An alloy almirah and allie's portrait, poet's pen writes lore's fate.
Tortured Poet's Tedious Day, Touch of nip such as Tender Clay.

Tortured poet sayeth

"Death masquerades,
loves silent Wales, drowning,
family torn, lips stitched, the heart bleeds,
despair in the sunshine that creeps in through the window,
escape out of reach.
Tormented, beaten, his thoughts dance as they barrow him deeper in disdain, for pain he does not want to give,
to his kin who hold his souls half,
but his grip on life is losing its will.
Death ensneares, laughing, mocking,
his release is near,
to those dear a word he cannot utter,
just ill, in a sick bed,
letters written in blood but will never reach their reader,
in a cold room, alone, breaking,
waiting for the reapers cold hold"

Tearing paper with teary eyes sips an English tea i utter myself lies.
Tortured Poet's Tedious Day, Follies of a Foolish poet that's okay.
Deary daisy do you listen, Tortured Poet's dear daisy I miss you.
Tedious Day beneath the old bottlebrush tree, tortured Poet seeks serenity.

Penny's poet sayeth,

Time slips by, my heart aches,
fear grips my bones, sorrow and despair have found their heir,
I lay ill, my hands stay still,
words written of love flooded in tears,
strength I can't ring up,
death stares at me from the edge of the room,
the sick bed, pain ensured,
abandoned kin, untold love,
solitudes fear, the reaper smiles,
alone, waning, aging instantly,
in death's matrimonial home.

co creater - @afrowalkr
© jude