

My Hero (DAD) Leaves
In the stillness of dawn, you prepare to depart,
With a gentle smile and a steadfast heart. Your journey is sacred, a path to the divine,
Yet the ache of your absence is already mine.
The house feels empty, the air strangely still,
The echo of your laughter, a void to fill. Each step you take away, a piece of me stays,
Counting the moments, the hours, the days.
Your wisdom, your kindness, your strength, and your care,
Are threads of my being, a love beyond compare.
In the night sky's expanse, in the sun's golden hue,
Everywhere I look, I'll be searching for you.
Return to me safely, with stories to share,
For my hero, my dad, no distance can impair.
Till the day you come back, my heart will hold fast,
For a bond like ours is meant to outlast.