


Under the bed you won't find the monsters that engulf me,
attacking me mentally, I physically can't pull free.
They're branching out, I tried to turn over a full leaf,
but if I let you open up my skull we might just find a full tree..
All branches and stems, with a demon sat on all of them,
so is it any wonder that I've fallen again?
And is it any fucking wonder that I've gone round the bend,
whichever way I turn I just seem to fall out with friends..
Is this the end? The path I'm supposed to walk 'til I can take no more of it,
lying crying on the floor, feeling broken like a hopeless prick.
With no-one there to throw a rope in quick,
so I'm not coping, choking, overdosing on some potent shit??
I'm sick of being used and abused by a force that breaks me, can't break free, even my willpower hates me.
This must be what my fate be, allowing it to make me,
put up no fight until death's the place it takes me..

© Ashley (urb4npo3t)