

Special Agent
I been through this way worser then this before. Lost alot of people I knew that did this line of work, didn't make it out alive. They be hanged like corpses. Some over a large fire with evil pendent. Some thrown off the boat ashore. Aten up like cup of chucky boar. Even spider acid to atoms. My worst fear. Had to fight them. Alot more then I can count. One mistake, and I'm toast. The burn sizzle won't stop. They don't let go. Fighting makes it worse. The infectwd spiders enjoy your struggle, pours more out to drizzle.
Big families lost in the void. Tried reason with them, but they wouldn't listen. My long lost partner I thought was forever my best friend. Betrayed me to left no choice , but to terminate him. Lost a friend traitor to the evil organization I'm trying to put a end too, died in the arms of his master. That was so furious with him. I couldn't save him, watching his screaming of his body being slammed to drop. He sacrifice his life for my mission to be complete. It was successful knew how everything went down like if it were yesterday. Nothing isn't anymore my lucky day.....
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