

Sonnet No. 10
My open eyes see nothing but the swirl
Of colours rushing past my face. I'm in
My room until I'm not, amid a blend
Of sights and sounds. As these sensations curl
About me—strangling me—I see a Girl
Whom I don't know. She laughs like light. The scents
Of Dill and Sage are light. I know who sent
Her, with Her hair like Lavender and Earl
Gray. I say nothing. She says nothing. Here
We are; and there We were. She's perfect, with
Her pearly skin and luscious hair. I hold
My hand outstretched to Her, and she draws near.
"I love you." She just smiles at me. One whiff
And then She's gone, and I'm alone and cold.

© Emilia Perseo Samuel Gaspar


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