

For the love of my baby
The story of life,
Is a work in progress,
Success or strife,
You're allowed to digress

My life story is very simple,
I'm happier now than I have been,
I have a wonderful life,
I have a beautiful and wonderful daughter she's the child that I prayed for, for years. She was born into this world made of the love between her father and me. His first words to me when
seeing her born was thank you for my baby.
Our love created the only child that we would ever have. She's 24 now a beautiful woman married and holding her own. No she's not a saint but she's mine no one is a saint.
Most mothers do whatever they have to to be there for their child no matter what and she's mine no matter what. Most kids wish for a different life than their own because that don't no any better but the Lord gives them the life that he want them to have.
I lived a long loving happy life with my husband
I was in love with him then and I was still in love with him the day that he died.
He was a godly wonderful man so gentle so loving he never had a harsh word to say about anybody. He was soft spoken with the love of God through and through he loved me
and I know I'll never be loved that was again.

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