

Shallow Water💧
I find myself in shallow water,
ambition flowing clear—

flowing clear in calm appearance
and so too in slow-pace cadence;
both serene and dear—

serene and dear, the steady peace
upon this place then falls uncertain
from a foreign sound,
interrupted all asudden
by the thrashing of a hound—

a hound that splashes fond and brash
then spirals out in corkscrew fashion,
their hair amok and knotted,
commands a fleet of droplets,
fit for battle, to the air—

the air that carries apricity as prophets,
hopeful yet carefree indeed,
with no sly desire for reciprocity,
as all that’s needed is a smile—

a smile, warmed by welcome thanks,
may dance across the stepping stone
that leads to bliss, a home
that’s seldom visited
and all-too-often known vicarious;
to true love’s kiss into which, one day,
one rightfully delves—

one rightfully delves
through the many levels
of shallow water
where we may eventually
find ourselves.

© Joseph Chin
#life #love #lovelife #nature #beauty #gratitude #mindfulness #happy #happiness #joy

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