

Life of being a girl.
You think, we are allowed to live?
It's like it's the body called man
Is in charge of everything.
From the day we are born,
We are dictated of how we should ;
Talk, walk, sit, eat, dress,behave,perceive,
To keep our hands, legs, hairs and all other bs
Except allowed to just be.
Always we are told what we should do.
But being the body of a man was never even
A topic to be questioned or concerned.
How can you tell a body on how it should be
Rather than allowing it to be.
Now even the mind of this women
Are being perplexed on their own existence
And they are even changing their divine
Body language to match it to stupid men.
I'm not even comparing us.
But why is always one section of life
Is made to question their existence
While the other always enjoying most of the time?
And if you say being happy it's all about mindset,
Without even allowing us to be us
And making us baffled right from the
Moment we are born, how can we keep
A vivid mindset?
And even if we acknowledge about our worth,
You people tag us to some terms.

And they say women should be inside house
Otherwise she has to suffer.
Now she is not even safe inside her house.
Why you men are so perverts?
If we step outside and got abused,
Rather than catching the one who abused her
You make her the culprit
For being the victim of your crime.
You even say we play victim.
Just say without going through torture
Which we are not even allowed to express
How can someone play victim?
Are you guys really stupid?

I think men should learn to shut up
And mind their damn business from childhood itself.
It's not uneducated or illiterate women
It's the men who are more stupid
For not knowing how to use brain wisely.

All boys and men say, they love their mom,
How many of you turn out like her in your life?
I'm not even talking about body here,
I meant about the service.
You love your mom because,
She does everything for you and support you
By keeping yourself free from your own burdens
Of life right?
And how many of you men return that favour
back to women too without expecting body of a
Women in the name of love?
How many of you do all your house chores along With or without your mom if you say you love your mom?

Stop telling what a particular body should do if it's Not possible for you to return back their relentless Service.
No one is stupid enough to not knowing what they Should do with their life, especially women.
If we were stupid we would have done male foeticide,
Like you men forced us in order to be your object
For pleasure.
Those times you weren't even having the talent to make money or richness for you by yourself, but you always needed a women body for pleasure that too we women had to make gold and money for us and give it to you to be with you and bearing all your ill torture that which is still going on.
Even though it has lessened it is still there.
What kind of brainless norms have you people created for life and other people claiming yourselves as the powerful leaders.
First stop thinking with your brainless head that only a particular body could do anything.
Everybody knows what they should do with their life.
And especially women, if we were brainless like you, you wouldn't be living here enjoying all the freedom.
You people are not even acknowledging it's because we women are not controlling like you that you are living your life satisfyingly and you are still blaming women that they are not serving you in the way you like to get served.
Why can't you people use some of your common sense to know it's one's own duty to take care of ourselves. If women are serving others relentlessly and only taking care of her if she has got time,
Why can't you take yourselves the responsibility of your life?
And stop preaching what a particular body must do.
From the day we are born till our body retires we are told to do everything except knowing one's self and living life.

Let us all live happily and enjoy our own individual life without being under the control of another body.
All we have to use is a little bit of common sense wisely ❤️.
© 🐳Praveena🌌✨️