

The Truth In The Mirror

I stare at my reflection
brown eyes stare back at me
the girl in the mirror
looks just like me

Her hands move up to her neck
and her head moves from side to side
she twirls a strand of hair
and her lips part into a smile wide

but then I see that her smile fades
and in that place, a tear forms
her hands drop at her sides
and the girl looks forlorn

I wonder what made the girl look sad
and what bought about this change
because in my life I'm happy
and my smile is constantly on my face

the girl in the mirror
slides down to the floor
and it looks like she's broken
leaning against the door

her eyes are swelled up
yet a single tear ascends
and when I touch my face
I can feel the smile that ends

the girl broke down
taking the break she required
from life, friends and responsibilities
from what made her so very tired

she finally caved in to give
her body and mind the peace
and treat herself with kindness
honesty, and the forgiveness to increase

© Naomi