

Poetizer: A Lonely Sailor's Dream (Repost)
2 Aug 2022 at 5:15 PM
23 May 2024 at 6:55 PM


A lonely sailor's dream,
Of mermaids and love,
Stretching out across
A dark vast and endless ocean.
The horizon stretching out,
My mind wandered to seek comfort.

I saw mermaids
With tails of crimson red.
Mermaids singing in the ocean.
They lured me near with their songs,
But then they vanished.

First glimpse of a mermaid
Under the moon's light,
She sat on a large rock,
Alluring and beautiful.

My boat was tossed by a large fish.
It slammed against it,
Spraying water everywhere.
A last hope of comfort lost at ocean,
Pulling me to her.

The mermaid smiled
And brought me hope.
At first sight, falling in love with her.

My hand touched the ocean
And felt the mermaid's tail
Flip, flip, flipping
Felt the scales of the mermaid's tail
As I stroked it through the water.

As I rested my head on her chest,
I could hear the beat of her heart.
So strong, so steady, so true.

Sailing away
Kissing the mermaid
Holding onto my love.

She longed to be free
From the water's hold
A human form she craved.

She was a mermaid
For so many years
But now she was finally a woman.

United in love
Two hearts now as one
Their story completed.

At first I was new and alone there (Poetizer).
I was not good at writing poems.
So when Poetsconer beckoned me to write our first poem together, I said no.
I didn't know how to convey the poem we wrote together.
That’s how we published our first collaborative poem on Poetizer.

Thank you, all readers for your friendship and words mean a lot to Poetscorner and me.
© Ruth Hor