

Textures of the Intangible
How do we possibly perceive this life
upon our due arrival?
Through eyes—
wet with dew, blessed by the newness
of the infantile day;
decorated on many a grass-bladed lash—
wiped clean once again
to view the infinite afresh—
uncoloured, mild, unconditioned,
diving into the simplicities
hiding between daylight’s
distracting colour schemes.

And as we live and breathe?
Through eyes—
wet with droplets pungent;
of tears, blood and humid sweat—
hypnotised by zen gardens’
rippling whorls; in circles of the sand—
shaken sharp and percipient
from the epochal, ardent sound
that lurks about an ancient land,
aeons beneath the ground.

Then last before we leave?
Through eyes—
wet with tempered regret—
dried up to the ever-sinking,
spinning sands of time—
red and fractal from the overwatering
of full-grown pains,
found in the unknowing
of maybe feigned forevers.

To take a sip
from the fiercest rivers
and a loving dip
in the cleansing fires.

Textures of the intangible.

Lessons to be tasted,
lessons to be bathed in.
Lessons to see, to dream, to feel—
to make this life more real.

© Joseph Chin
#life #spirituality #perspective #home #lessons #lesson #death #lifeanddeath #reincarnation #karma

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