

Sunshine and the leaf
The sun rays are flickering in between the clouds
The shameless Sun and the sunshine couldn't wait any longer more.
The tender leaf slightly tilted her face upward infront of him.
By removing the darkness, he illuminated her
By his heat the dew carrying the news of heart began to fall
And she freaking, tried to engulf it into her leaves.
Even after staying in the sky , he sent her letters of sunshine
Fighting the solitary night, she waited for his letters of sunshine.

By burning himself , he rescued her from the darkness.
By removing the darkness , she engulfed the loved smeared dew sent to her.

Carrying thousands of misknown languages and words,
Far from a distance
They binded themselves together.
Residing afar at night he see her through the earthshine
And she, carried the firefly he sent her at night, with her.
© Prerana