

Christians say a fallen angel follows Satan's cruel decree,
But not all who fall are shadows of malevolence and misery.

Icarus, the boy who soared too close to the sun's gleam,
Is often seen as one who let sin guide his dream.

Yet, I see a boy who sought freedom's embrace,
Who flew high with hope, excitement on his face.

He seized the chance to soar, to reach the sky so high,
Unaware of the wax that would melt and make him cry.

His heart was full of hope, excitement in his veins,
He wished to explore beyond these earthly plains.

In the end, he fell, his goal unmet,
But his story teaches a lesson we mustn't forget.

Prepare for your journey, step by careful step,
Don't let excitement blind you, don't leap and forget.

Icarus shows us how failure can pave the way,
So we might succeed, and reach our goals one day.

He wasn't a fallen angel, but a boy who tried,
An idol to look up to, from his fall we derive.

So don't be afraid to reach for your goal,
Learn from his fate, and keep in control.

© TheWritingsofApollo

#icarus #GreekMythology #mythology #dontgiveup #keeptrying #keepgoing #motivational #fallenangel