

This Above All: To Thine Own Self, Be True- Shakespeare
Life quietened me, I have become more observant than reactive. Silence leads me to the core of who I am. Where I once sought external validation, I now seek my own acceptance. When I finally turned down the noise of the outside world and I started paying attention to the inner melody, I learnt that there's so much more to me.

The more I faced truths about me, the more I'm beginning to understand who I am, who I once was and who I will turn out to be. There's so much that runs deeper than the perceived surface. I love this empowered version of me, she's peaceful and precise. She's nothing like I've known her to be. She's now built on self love- an infinite spring of self-respect & personal growth.

I can finally, confidently answer this burning question, "If I asked you to name all the things you love, how long would it take you to name yourself?", it wouldn't take me too long to name myself. I deem myself worthy of being loved, loved by myself and others. One of the most beautiful love stories you will ever be apart of is the one with yourself. "Be faithful to that which exists within yourself".

© Memoirs of Maryannable's Mashables