

Sometimes the wheels of life refuses to turn
And left of us feeling lost, broken and all alone.
Yet often, feeling broken is the first step in discovering the strength hidden within.
Because it's only when we are no longer afraid that we begin to live.

So make no mistake, none of us was built to break,
With hearts that beat through trials and ache.
We're crafted strong, though tender within,
Yet our resilient have a strong will, always to win.

Through stormy skies and shadows deep,
We'll keep rising, and fighting, never to sleep.
So in moments tough, when hope seems thin,
Just remember the fire that's burning within.

Each scar we bear, each tear we shed,
Are marks of battles bravely led.
So although the road is rough and steep,
Our spirits are fierce, with our roots running deep.

So stand up tall, embrace life's fight,
For none of us was built to break, but to ignite.
With strength and courage, face the test,
And show the world we are unbreakable, even when not at our best!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo