

No Threat Too Great
There's no greater warrior than a mother protecting her child,
Just like a force of nature, she becomes fierce and wild,
Because her love, is like a shield, unyielding and strong,
A safe sanctuary where her child belongs.
Therfore in her embrace, all dangers subside,
Through storm and strife, she'll always be by their side,
With her instinct so sharp, and her heart a guide,
There's no threat too great, nor any fear to hide.

Through sleepless nights and endless care,
She stands unwavering, always there,
She's a guardian angel, yet a warrior's grace,
A determined spirit, an unwavering face.

In her eyes, the fire of devotion burns,
Because a mother's compassion is not weakness, but a love that endures,
And so there's nothing more powerful, nothing so grand,
As the protective love from a mother's hand!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo