

I have been here
I have been here a 1000 1000 years

I have been here a 1000 1000 years

I represent the good and evil of this world

I have been here a 1000 1000 years

I am never all good or evil

I have been here a 1000 1000 years

I live to help both side of the soul

I have been here a 1000 1000 years

I move through the ambers of ash

I have been here a 1000 1000 years

To pick up lives of the souls who are stuck on plains of burning grass lands

I have been here a 1000 1000 years

Bringing them back to the pack to live a life of peace and harmony

I have been here a 1000 1000 years

I go through the darkness of the evil souls to pickup the good

I have been here a 1000 1000 years

To bring the light back out of the darkness into the sunlight

I have been here a 1000 1000 year

To allow a soul another chance at life

I have been here a 1000 1000 years

To accomplish this I must use the evil and the to bring back the good

I have been here a 1000 1000 years

For this my punishment is to lives 1000 1000. Years.

I have been here a 1000 1000 years

A punishment of love for fellow souls.

I have been here a 1000 1000 years

© Robert prezioso