

A Loser Who Tried
In the face of defeat, when hope seems lost,
A winner emerges, no matter the cost.
They rise from the ashes, with fire in their eyes,
For they know that each setback is a lesson, not barriers to climb,
And it's in perseverance, true victory they'll find.
Because a winner is not born, but forged in the fire,
Of trials and challenges, they never tire.
Through struggles endured, and failures faced,
A winner emerges, with strength encased.
And in each new attempt, they find a seed,
Of resilience planted, from which they feed.
Hence with each defeat, they rise once more,
Determined to reach the distant shore.
For a winner is not defined by the past,
But by the perseverance that will forever last.
So let not failure decide your plight,
Instead, let it fuel your resolve, with all your might.
Because a winner is just a loser who tried,
One more time, with courage un-denied!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo