

Why did I even fall for you ?
Are you that beautiful?
Are you the prettiest gurl alive?
Hell I don't know
What I saw in you
I want to know
Why I feel this way
Why I can't just get over you
Even though
I know that I am not the one u want
Why the fuck I am doing all this for you
Are you really worth it ?
Why am I wasting my efforts on you
When you don't even appreciate it
You just ignore it
My hearts feels heavy
The love I have for you is in it
I don't know whom to give
Or should I burried inside ?
I am just hurting my self
I would have let you go
But I am the man of my words
"I am not going to leave you
Until you push me away"
Those words means world to me
And I don't want you to suffer by yourself
You have me, atleast for now
I don't know how much time we have
I don't know when we will be apart
But atleast for now be happy
There is someone for you
Who care about you more than himself
Who can do anything for you
Who loves you unconditionally
Lucky gurl
There is slightest hope I have
To be honest
I want you
I don't want to be your friend
I don't want us to remain friend
I want us to be more
I want to go on a date with you
I want to hold hands with you
I want you to hug me when I feel down
I want you to appreciate me
Your eyes just on me
I want you for me
And I will remain in your love hopelessly