

what am i to you?
Am I a trophy you bring out to play only when you want to gloat or feel empty?
Bound from the eyes of the society is your true nature!

I remanence the cold I feel around me when ever you volcano is about to erupt,
The reality I am about to go back into,my package creeps in
so many times I have experienced the wrath of your hands in the name of love

A fetish you want to keep from your mates,
up in the top lonely shelve is it's place of comfort
I am tired of the little secrets underneath my makeup,I am tired of the secrets that kiss my lips
But today I want to break free from these chains of bondage,A lie that I deserve better when I clearly deserve nothing but freed from this scam so called love

You asked me what was wrong when my gut could no longer conceal the truth and tears escaped my eyes ,
remember what I said ? "NOTHING"!
today it's something! I want to release these feelings locked deep within my being,ask the monotonous questions that have been ringing inside my head for what seems to be eternity!

hear me out too!allow me to break the silence!scream from the top of my lungs vent untill I get tired
I know we once concealed about this but I am skilled limbo,so please do define me ,

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