

Whispers of Soft Rain
Soft rain whispers through the trees,
A gentle touch upon the leaves.
Each drop a crystal, pure and clear,
Reflecting nature’s tranquil cheer.

Meadows sigh with sweet relief,
As raindrops bring a kind belief.
In fields where flowers softly bloom,
Their petals drink the sweet perfume.

Mountains wear a misty shroud,
A veil of gray, a quiet cloud.
Rivers hum a soothing tune,
Underneath the soft monsoon.

Birds find solace in the rain,
Their melodies a sweet refrain.
And in this dance of earth and sky,
Peaceful moments softly lie.

Soft rain, a blessing from above,
Fills the world with gentle love.
In nature’s embrace, we find our worth,
Beneath the soft rain of the earth.
© marionbonareri
#poem #poems