

Mind Power
### The Power Within

Beneath the conscious, deep and wide,
A hidden force begins to glide.
It shapes our dreams, our fears, our fate,
In silence, it does orchestrate.

The mind's vast ocean, calm yet wild,
With wisdom stored since we were child.
It whispers truths we cannot see,
Unlocking doors with mystery.

In shadows cast by waking light,
It works through day and darkest night.
A guiding hand, unseen, yet sure,
Through labyrinths of thoughts obscure.

With visions clear and bold belief,
It heals our pain, it soothes our grief.
Through whispered words of hope and grace,
It helps us find our rightful place.

Oh, mind so powerful and grand,
A universe within our hand.
With trust in you, we chart our way,
And shape tomorrow from today.

So let us tap this wondrous source,
And steer our lives with gentle force.
For in the mind, both vast and true,
The power lies in me and you.