

I’m Devin Nothing Else
Whats it matter if I’m black or white
Why does my skin bother you
I’m just Devin alright?
Outcast by blacks
Ignore by the whites
I hate diversity
With all my might
Just wanna be accepted
Sit at all the tables
Accept people for people
Fuck the bullshit labels
Racism stops bonds
That shit can be fatal
As a lightskin male
I felt racially disabled
Felt like no one understood me
If they tried it’d be so simple
But since I’m lightskin
They treat me like a devil
Due to my skin
I was a good kidd
Born to rebel
Black people called me white
Due to my love of heavy metal
I’m just a young lightskin
Thats hella sentimental
White people call me ghetto
I talk with a lisp
So all they hear is mumble
I trip over my words sometimes
Conversation are where I fumble
They think i just talk hood
That shit turns me purple
I’m pass being blue
I’m both sad but mostly humbled
I’m happy to be lightskin
Despite all my troubles
I look hood from the exterior
But personality is on shuffle
Lets go mudding
Who wanna box?
Who wanna go gain some muscle?
We can have deep talks
Sad walks
I got weed, you need a couple?
We can watch anime
I love F.R.I.E.N.D.S
We can just sit and snuggle
I’m a chill guy
Down for anything
Do you get the puzzle?
Don’t judge me off my skin
That’s one of my deepest struggles
I asked god for a bullet straight to the temple
Being racially profiled
Has damaged my mental
My feelings are so sensitive
But I hope you get the signal
I’m Dev nothing else
Not black not white
Nothing in the middle
Ask me what I am again
I’ll rip off ya fucking nipple😁

By: SilenceTheKidd
© SilenceTheKidd