

Looking to the Heavens
I'm just a wandering soul
Lost like the whole rest of them
Still trying to find my way
Just to see the light at the end of this dark,
Dark tunnel I've been walking the whole way,
The whole way in the dark only trying to reach the light
To leave my darkness behind
To get out alive
And when I finally pull off my dark,
Dark shades I'll realize the light was here all along
All I had to do was look around and pull down my shades,
My shades to let the light in
And as it hits my face for the first time
I'm blinded,
I'm blinded by the light
And when my eyes adjust to the light
I find this is right where I wanna be
This is true
This is home
The light is here and now
I embrace it
Running through the grassy fields,
Fields filled with flowers
Butterflies landing in my hair as I glide along
The sunlight lighting the straight path
Lighting the way home
The way that was here all along
All I had to do was look up,
Look up and let the sunlight wash over my skin
Look up to the heavens
Look up to God
Look up to God, who gives me strength
Look up to the only reason I'm here
Look up to what's real
Look up,
Look up is all I had to do
Look up and feel it all wash over me
Look up and keep my head pointed to the heavens,
To the heavens to keep going
Keep climbing every hill
Every mountain,
Every mountain until I reach the end
Until God calls me home
Until God's done with me here,
Me here looking only toward the heavens
To then looking toward the face of God
The beauty of God
Looking upon it all,
It all for all eternity
So I'll keep my head to the heavens until God calls me towards His face

© BrokenStillBreaking

Sun, June 23rd 11:43 PM 2024