

✒️The project🖋️
Of all the arts and crafts tools, scissors were her favorite. ✂️
It satisfied her to see all imperfections be shaved away. But as she grew older. She liked them for another reason, though. Paper snowflakes and hearts she made are now imprisoned to the past with her childhood.
Although, she still continued her art, just on a different canvas.
~Dotted lines carved with sharpie spread across her skin like a treasure map~
So the artist began her work and picked up the scissors. Cutting away all the “excess”.
•When she was finished, what she pictured to be the final product, looked as if a rabbid dog had dismembered this masterpiece of insecurity•
Her own personal project of destruction.🧨
What she did have left was empty and shattered in desperate need of Glue.
*Something to hold it together, or rather, herself, while the real artwork lied, just behind the canvas.🖌️🎨