

Something is broken
something is broken
I can't fix it.
something is amiss
I can't find it.
I ask myself.
An unending therapy
unyielding in solutions or clues
every session ends in gloom.
when did this epic romance
turn sour?
how did this dazzling
picture lose colour?
but then...
still beautiful.
in this greyed-out photo
lies the brightest sun...
it radiates.
find me the light source!
let me crank it up,
so it can illuminate...
this greying-out photo
frames our radiated love,
something is broken
and I don't understand it.
I can feel it slipping away.
like, light losing itself
to the cold embrace of the dark abyss.
I feel its chilliness
like air in my lungs
in the cold winter;
sharp and tangy...
Don't tell me you can't feel it too.
it is there clear as day.
yet, vague as darkness.
something is broken and you know it too.
brick by brick
the wall grows bigger;
this tension-filled barrier
standing between us.
it is there like it isn't;
as high as a mountain.
yet, a crushing silence.
this tangible intangibility
is our reality.
you can feel it as the tension brews
from incessant arguments.
small issues we used to laugh over.
something is broken,
and it pains me so that we let it break.
© shalex