


Today, I tripped on an old photograph and fell into my past,
My youth was hard to recognize but not impossible,
I could make out the warmth that was lost to the winter of adulthood, the softness lost to the rough touches of time,
But I could still see my eyes in hers,
Perhaps the spark had dimmed but the color remains unchanged,

I found myself missing the feel of a simpler world,
One which was an endless field of flowers and I held freedom in my hands,
One in which I ran for the sake of it and did so without the fear of falling,
But now I run because I must,
And I run not on a field but on a race track and against an opponent...both of which are life itself,
I am yet to finish my race nor am I willing to quit it,
But I can not help but miss the time my feet were rested,

I recall how tears were easily defeated by a piece of chocolate,
That was all it look, wasn't it?
Sugar meets tongue and all the worlds troubles fade away,
But of course these things don't stay the same,
And so I do not cry any more,
I've learned these tears are harder to dry as we age on,
so I stay strong,
I tilt my head, take a breath and lock them tight along with my thoughts,

While on my walk on memory lane I hear my name being spoken,
And like a splash of cold water it wakes me up to the present,
I return from my time travel and put the picture back where I found it,
In its box, in its prison,
And as I do I wonder what that little girl would think,
If ever she had the chance to look at my face...whether she would smile the same.
© chayansa