

Life is beautiful
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder,
never has a truer word/been spoken.
In the wake of each day, I see beauty:
shimmering, bright, and golden. Words escape me in describing the depth of this beauty... the wonderous backdrop beholden.
how lucky you are my chosen, to join me in this gorgeous light that emboldens...
So, get on your feet, take a walk with me; let us see together what this is.
open your eyes, lift the veil.
let us share in the ambiance of its vales.
Treacherous, sinuous, and veinous. Yet majestically glorious.
can you see?
My chosen!
in this lavish sea of pulchritude, can you swim?
life is beautiful.. in every sense of "it".
Its beauty is felt in the swiftness of its calming breeze, and you can taste glory in the sweetness of a the honeybees.
But then again, bees sting.
© shalex