

The world will Adjust
You have spent your whole life
pleasing the world,
doing all you can to please her needs
not knowing whether to stand or kneel.
always taking to your heels when the
world sneeze.
don't be perturbed by this
insatiable beast
that feeds constantly on your need to please
always guiding you on how to feel
disparaging your joy like the Pharisees.
Fear not her beastly teeth
or the sharpness of her gnarring claws
the world is your mirror not your judge or adjudicator.
bending to her will is only an indication that you
have missed your bearing and calculation.
Get your compass right and find your direction.
Anywhere it points that is your path.
Right or wrong, it doesn't matter: The path is yours.
So do you.
The world will adjust.

© shalex