

Do you?
Would you love me
like the darkness of
The night, that had
Something in it,
As beautiful as the
stars that shine

Would you love me
like the autumn leaves
Even when I am falling,
cherishing the beauty
And joy in the hardest

Would you love me like,
A sea, even when I cry,
And the tears mix with
My emotions would you
Love me like a sea

Would you love me like
A ocean so pure &
Deep, would you love
Me like the ocean
That you won't mind
drowning in

Would you love me the
Same, as much as you do
Now, would you love
Me the same even after
We broke apart

Would you love me like
A withering flower
Would you cherish
The ending of our
Love story, even after
I break your heart,
Would you still love me
The same...
Love me like the way you
used to, or would you change

I love you more than I
Have ever loved someone
Else, please don't change
I will always love you the
Same, so still you will
love me the same
You love me, do you.

© alpha Stella