

Because I Have God
I have God's healing power
Coursing through my body.
I have God's healing power
Protecting my mind.
I have God's healing power
Deep within my soul.
And in God's healing power,
I am made whole.

I have God's holy blessing
Over every waking hour.
I have God's holy blessing
Even when I sleep.
I have God's holy blessing
And He walks by my side.
It is God's Holy blessing
That allows me to thrive.

I believe what God tells me
And it sets me free.
I believe what God tells me
For I know He cannot lie.
I believe what God tells me
Because He is always for me
I believe what God tells me,
Because He holds my destiny.

I have God's covenant promise
That I am born again.
I have God's covenant promise
I am being sanctified.
I have God's covenant promise
That I will be coming home.
And in God's covenant promise,
I am never alone.
© Linda Troxell