

The epitome of light , what a reward to mankind

The Epitome of Light, What a Reward to Mankind

In the depths of darkness, a spark did ignite
A beacon of hope, in the black of night
It shone so bright, with a radiance so bold
Illuminating all, that was once cold

With gentle warmth, it banished the dark
And brought forth life, in all its embark
It lit the way, for hearts to explore
And filled the soul, with a love that's pure

Like a sunrise, it dawned on the sight
A new beginning, in all its light
It guided us on, through life's plodding pace
And filled our lives, with a warm embrace

The epitome of light, a gift so divine
A treasure so precious, all the time
It chases away, the shadows that fall
And brings us closer, to the beauty of all

What a reward, to humanity's sight
A blessing so grand, in all its light
It inspires us, to be all we can be
A symbol of hope, for you and me

Please note that this poem is a work of fiction and does not reflect the views or opinions of the author. Light is a symbol of hope, guidance, and life, and its importance cannot be overstated.