

The Privileged Street-Walker
The green man of the yards,
...melancholic swingers of the jungle ..
Have started walking down the streets,
.....no crawlings... no jumpings...
...is the army of the monkeys...

Joining them...
...astonishingly!!!.. are the paws....
.......of domestic dearies...
The tail-waggers.. So friendly to mankind.
....no barkings...no purring
...have turned so dreadful...
Now all,.... the troops...
...walking down the streets.. and around...
.... through the pavements of the town.
Frowning paws, yelling....
...screeching... Screaming...
Dangling... Freaking...all around.

Restlessly breathing... panting toes
...as the sun shines down the roads.
Fur shimmering... till summers...
....all throughout the spring...
Notoriously hunting...
....with hunger and thirst...
.....a parade of frightfulness...
....penetrating deep within.

No more... rustling of trees...
...nor strugglings.. at the tiffin-tea stalls.
Astonishingly... Surprised are Homo sapiens...
...suffering, liberty-seized... as they stare..
...beyond their.. relieving spaces..
..... Being barred....
No aves.. Nor fowls rarely found.

O Corona ! O Corona!....
....you have extremely mocked mankind.
What inventions, great discoveries...
....everything most empowered...
.....they boosted... No bound.

The Earth... all surrendered & frightened...
....greatly aggrieved...
No age group being spared...
....so terrible - horrible you frown..
...Swiping... Smashing their conquered towers...
.... Sarcastic, a remark.....
...engrossed is your crown...
.....pulsating... So dreadful.. An affair..
O heavens!!! Its a monstrous wild mare....

Begetting crisis to the cradle....
...enriching the graves unbound....
Casted critical economies...
.....shattered missionaries...
No temple bells heard...
......No prayers sung around ..

Cries Mother Nature..
...while embracing the Sons into the soil...
....smeared with ashes...its daughters fear...
All doctors -nurses... Policemen terribly toil....
....to this selfish stupidity of men...
Red zoned...it cries forgiveness...
....for this darkest follies of mankind...

No Grim reaper.. You are...
..don't dare challenge....
....the creator of the creations...
He has woven this great plan...
...just as an awakening...
Restoration of happiness...
....not far beyond....

O Mother Earth!!!
...Forgive Us... for all the treacheries...
...mistakenly done...
Unveiling you of this misery...
....Lets all join hands...
Promising Compassion - forever gratefulness
.....beyond generations to come..
....for the good of the clan.

O Holiness!!! O Holiness!!!
....Prevail.. Once Again..
© SanghamitraDevi