

I wish...
I wish for the world of unity...
I wish everyone reads and think ..
I wish for people to be mindful.
I wish people to understand the universe....
I wish people to read holy scriptures to connect to Allah(SWT)
I wish people to read Quraan-Paak, so they know how beautiful it is.
So they know how mysterious it is.
I wish they know everything is written in it,all the disputes that needs solutions its already written in it.
I wish they get chance to read the commands of the lord of everything, Allah(SWT).
I wish they find the path of eternity..
I wish everyone understand how fleeting this world is.
I wish everyone can understand how hollow is the path of hate is.
I wish everyone to read the teachings of Beloved Prophet Nabi E Kareem Akram HUZOOR SALLALLAHU-TA'AALA-ALAIHI-WASALLAM(PBUH)who guided us to right path and taught us to pray even in dire situation and ask only from Allah(SWT).
I wish everyone to know how beautiful it is to remember your Lord,how beautiful it is to be thankful and grateful to our Allah(SWT).
I wish everyone is safe from every kind of affliction that is caused by any means..
I wish people yo find the true solace and peace that is there with the submission to Allah(SWT)
I wish every good thing that is ever promised for humankind everyone get the share of it by the mercy of our Lord,Allah(SWT)
I wish every good thing of hereafter for each of my fellow journey mates in this world ,who born before me,or we are sharing the same Era and off course who will come after me🤲

© @etoile_brillante🎐