

Echoes Of Lost Self
I just woke up and still feel tired
I've slept quite well
However, there is something weary
A presence of something I can't name

A rush of emptiness , in my veins
Like it's in my bones, under my skin
Having tremors, mind is buzzing
Eyes are Wandering , heart is in ache

Missing someone I don't know,
Perhaps my old lost self
A self has gone long ago
Left behind a hollow self, a wisp of smoke

A lost girl likes to grin and sing
Has a heart like a garden of hope
Mind full of positivity and strength
Eyes full of glimmer and glee

Now, she's lost, filled with anguish
Living in an aching void, within
Her solace is an haunting space
Chaotic mind with silent embrace

© ~FT

11:34 am
Mon, jun 24