

Where am i?
Why do i feel lost?
Why does everything hurt?
Why can't the pain go away?

I've always been to bottle everything
I've always able to hide, to run away from it all but
Once in a while, the bottle cracks and before i know what's happening, the bottle breaks and i loose everything.

The walls seem to close in on me
I hear whispers around me and the voices inside head get louder
"Do it, Do it, noone will miss you, pull the trigger, cut the rope and end it all"
Why do they keep getting louder?

Someone make it stop.
Please make it stop, i can't take it anymore.
The voices keep talking to me and i can't avoid it anymore.
Someone help me because as much as i would love to bottle it uo again..
I'm afraid that if i bottle it up again and it cracks...
There's no coming back.
© Dora24