

Deafening Silence😔💔
Those beautiful days,
when youth was mine,
We'd swing and sway together
with souls entwined,

Our laughters exploded,
our heartbeats echoed,
With the the world invisible
but our love so clear,
Together we'd dance,
feeling heartbeats so near,

The sunshine warm and your
twinkling eyes' craze,
Oh, how can I tell you, how much
I miss those lazy days,

But time is cruel, it waits for none,
Simply slips away like grains of sand,
Now, alas, I sit in solitude, all alone,
The embrace of swing and yours, all gone,

Echoes in my mind like a haunting treat,
Your musical voice, a melody so sweet,
But your absence brings deafening silence,
Such an indelible void, my soul just can't greet.
— Vijay Kumar
© Truly Chambyal