

Broken Purpose.
The only thing I wish,
Is the feeling of being loved,
But how can I achieve that wish?
When I already know I’m not enough?

For others, it comes so easy,
It seems they have their whole life planned,
And here I am, just existing,
With nothing at my hand.

They all seem to make it so far,
Like there’s nothing to it at all,
Yet, when I try to take the next step,
The only thing I do is fall.

All their families are so proud,
At the person they’ve became,
All I can do is cry,
Wishing I could do the same…

It seems I’m completely on my own,
With no one to help me along the way,
Others have each other,
And leave me to endure the pain.

I havent accomplished much,
And I probably never will,
But I guess I can always hope,
I’ll have a purpose to fulfill.

© BrookieShnookieBear🧸💖