

Broken Angel
A chilly wintery night that had an captivating aura in it's atmosphere. A little girl who was waiting for her family to come home by midnight but they didn't showed up even when the midnight has come. The girl seems relaxed but also the fear in her heart was breaking her faith and hope to see her family again. The girl was patiently waiting for them till the other day but they never showed up. Although she was nervous and in a state of anxiety but she remembered their promise to come back home by the midnight. She stayed calmed and an in unison she started trembling thinking about their condition.

Later that day she was alone staying by the side of the window in her room and drifted herself into desperate thoughts in order to relax herself from over thinking.

"Stay calm, you can do it, you can wait for them until they come and hug them out of curiosity and unrequitment. But until that day you need to survive out of your own."

The reason to her words and wait is that her parents didn't told her when they will come back and when she tried to ask them her father politely refused to tell her that made her wait out of curiosity.

She is currently living with her loving grandmother and an older brother, who (both) mostly comfort her by heart.

She adores them the most as they took care of her when there is a hard time for her.

Their family lives in a village and they are farmers who owned a huge land. They aren't that much rich but no so poor.

The next day her older brother went to work at the field as his usual proffession and mostly spend his time enjoying it. The old woman is making some food for them to way since they eat early before afternoon. Once the work is done the old lady moved to the little girl's room who is sitting near the window watching her way to her parents. The old woman reaches out for her and sat beside her in order to comfort her and hoping this action will stop her from staying at the window all the time. The little girl hugged her grandmother as she was feelings a little bit insecurity being alone but she couldn't stop being here in order to greet her parents. At this time she could only think about her parents as they never left her for this long ever. It's been 9 days since they left. The old lady patted her head and gave her a reassuring hug for their arrival. The little girl smiled instantly and the old woman gladly returned it with a cheerful one.

Later that day they decided to take a walk and went to a place nearby.
They both went to a lovely yet simply elegant garden which was near their house. They staryed there for a few hours and returned back with a soft pinkish white coloured flower plant.
They made it to their home and plant the flower in their mini yet beautiful garden and watered it while admiring it's softness.
Years and years went by ~
The pinkish white coloured flower plant drained has drained it's energy and eventually it made it's way to heaven where it could live it's rest of the time.

The old woman grew even more older and the little girl turned into a mature girl who can take care of her and her elders as well, while her brother, he has grown up into a young man who is working at the fields to run their family.

Revealing the poor side of this family is - just the two of it's precious family members are missing or else everything would be fine by now.

This poor girl is waiting in ardour just to see her lovely parents.
Afternoon went by and her brother returned back home and had his meals afterwards. Then he came with an idea to search for his parents details so he went to the place where he could find a clue about them (their parents).

Soon the Night came uttering silence and insecurity more like the ending of something. Her brother was still not in house as he is gone to search out for something.

The old woman and her grand-daughter were seeking their way to his feets, soon the footsteps can be heard from a distance they both rushed out of the house and made their way to him. But as they went near him confusion get plastered on their (grandma and the girl) face as her old brother went silent while looking down not uttering a single word.

The girl hugged her brother but backed away when she didn't get a response instead he was looking lifeless and had a sad expression on his face.

She observed his face somehow she felt something wasn't good and she wanted to ask it out but her other part was scaring her not to ask as she thin, that if it would be some bad news then it would be difficult for her to even stand her courage to not shredding tears and let out her worried cried turned into real.

She was afraid to ask but somehow she did but she regretted as he told her that their parents were no longer there to reach them here.

She felt her knees losing it's strength to get her straightened and she immediately fell on her knees as they (knees) bent automatically due to the shock. She couldn't help but to shred tears due to her loss.

The old woman also kneeled down right beside her and held her shoulder to comfort her but it didn't worked this time as she cried more harder pouring her anxiousness, that came true.

Her brother hugged her not being able to see his little sister's vulnerable state. He also cried his heart out hugging them both (grandma and his sister).
And at last they were waiting for a Night that never came.....


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