

Giant of Africa(Vol.2)

The youths have a lot to do because the growth and development of Nigeria lie in their hands. They must start orienting their mindset. Many of our youths are into drugs, cults, thuggery, and prostitution. We must ensure that we support the youths to participate in politics.

It's paramount to mention that Nigerian youths have lost focus due to divisive measures created by those we see as our leaders. The far-fetched orientation given is to fight each other and protect those destroying the socio-political and economic growth of our great country. They made us comprehend that education is a weapon to fight for and have a better sense of a good future, not ridiculed with little impact on what the youths can offer their country, all in the name of seeking unavailable greener pastures!

The old know strongly that the measure of divide and rule, masterminded and used as a factor to devalue the youths, no matter what they have to offer their country, shall be useless when the prowess is not there and most youths confront challenges.

Nigerian youths no longer have a vision of development because the strength to build a united force that digests reasonable thinkers with policies, ideas, and opinions will first think of themselves. The economic factor of sustaining the "OMOLUABI" will later turn into a thrown-away attribute.

To this end, we, as Nigerian youths, should unite to stand against unwarranted policies and measures created by the old to divide and rule, and fight until Nigeria's glory shines again and forever. Yes! We can.

Youths need to have food in their bellies before they can get creative about making the country better. It's poverty that drives us to embrace the aforementioned vices. Or is it not poverty that drives a young and beautiful lady into prostitution? Virginia Woolf said, "One cannot think well, love well, or sleep well if one has not dined well." The only weapon with which I see that we are being oppressed is the weapon of hunger. They thought hard and concluded that if they made sure we could not afford food, then we wouldn't have the energy to rise against their oppressions.

I wish the youths in Nigeria would attend higher institutions to become better persons, not riff-raffs as they have turned out now. Food is very essential in human life, but do you know that some youths have enough food to eat and inherit but later end up being a nuisance in society? They are the ones you will find inhaling, injecting, smoking hard drugs... So, I don't really follow the idea of "Food/poverty."

If you have such an ideology, then your woes can never be addressed. During the last election, most of you sold your freedom for a plate of porridge and now see where it has gotten us. You collected pittances from the perpetrators of evil in this country to put them in power, not knowing that your deeds would result in what we are going through now! The moment you youths realize that this country's emancipation lies in your hands will be the beginning of your freedom and that of our dear country as a whole. No one can do it for you because the senior citizens' strength is diminishing, and we are looking up to you to help us.

There are some youths who have a positive attitude and mindset (I am among them), but it's the spirit of political apathy that's discouraging us. Moreover, most youths nowadays are into "if I follow you, what will you offer?" If I start the orientation program, will they follow me? Will they agree with my point? (Political apathy).
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