

skila part 1
Once upon a time there lived a guy named anil he had a wife named Anika they both curved their country. anil had a best friend in the army .His name was Jay they both were child hood friends and Ajay was elder brother anil and anika were gonna be blessed with a little child in next two months . suddenly anil and Ajay got a call that there is a war gonna happen in their area .as anika was also an army officer they all use to live in houses in the same city and closest to their training base . so while Ajay and anil would be out on the battle fields anuka would be alone at home so anil ,Ajay asked anil if she would be comfortable living for 3 months in the training base rooms so she could get help whenever she needs .she agreed ... After two months. Ajay got a report from captain kul that the enemyes were now attack after another 3 mo the as the government had controlled the situation for the time being but they still needed to be carefull they can attack anytime from anywhere but anil and Ajay got sometime to spent with the newly both baby girl named skila which ment sheild ... After three months the enemyes had started planing and then . they also had to start their protection and planing to defeat them as captain kul had an sevear accident .The responsibility to manage everything was transferred to anil...After 1 week the war begain . While the war was on the enemyes got to know that anil had recently had a child and a brilliant idea sparked In there mind .They planned that they would first catch Ajay and through him they would get to know where skila was anil's weakness he would shurely come to take skila back and they would kill him and leave Ajay and skila as they did not want any thing from them and thought this they would easily be able to destroy their base easily and cam win the war easily with no problem. There plan till here was working as planed they were able to take Ajay with them but he did not utter a word where skila was
he was beaten badly but he did not say a word .Then they had a plan .They went to Ajay's house secretly as citizans of India with fake visas.They were able to find skila with the help of Ajay's phone .
They were successful in this step but did not know that the same night Ajay had already planed a perfect plan to escape and after he saw skila he had more responsibility on his shoulders as he now also have to save skila and himself without the enemyes knowing anything.But unfortunately je was able to escape bur the time he came to take skila with him she started crying and that is why he had to leave skila there and escape alone he felt really guilty 😔 tat he couldn't help her own sister's daughter to get out of danger he reached back and told every thing to anika he said " do as you you want to do with me ,beat me,stop talking to me ,throw me out of the the house forever, stop considering me ad your brother but plz give me some or the other punishment for this selfish act I did "anika replied "No!I can't if I Give you any punishment it will be a selfish act from my side that I disrespected one relationship for the other ... She is my brother's sister's daughter she cannot be weak... her name is skila for some reason. But I have a condition that you should be the one who will bring her back .This war kept on for 8 months .India won the war everything Happened all correctly but the only thing that didn't happened right wad that skila was not able to be brought back .