

The Blame
Why do we often look for someone to blame when there is a problem? Well, I'll narrow it down to two reasons; firstly we're too much of a coward to admit when we are the ones to blame and secondly, we just don't want to accept the fact that circumstances caused it. For example, you might feel sad because you feel unloved, instead of figuring out why you feel so, you quickly look for the last person who yelled in your face and blame that individual. "he/she is the reason I feel unloved" You may say to make yourself feel better.
you forget that when you look in the mirror you never smile or compliment yourself, you forget that you never accept compliments from people, you forget that you call yourself ugly when no one Is looking, you forget that you're full of hate towards people, you forget that you bad-mouth people at the slightest opportunity you get, All these but yet you wonder why you don't feel loved.
you forget that you always give a grumpy look around your partner, you forget that you're always negative, you forget how you always nag but right now you'll streamline why you feel that way to one person, the last person you talked to.
Take responsibility for your actions and the way you feel, that way you can accept the blame and feel much in control.

© Freya Stone