

The Secret World
Wallpaper Credit - IMDB

Yes who is there ?
I Am sujata
Why you come even i tell you Don't come again
Dhruv pls calm down
Tell me what you want to said ?
What happend ?
Keep quiet
But why
Enemies surround whole area
What why 😳
Calm down dhruv
How we Can save
Close ur eyes
Its not the time for fun
I Am serious
Ok tell ur plan
Sujata tell the plan very Slowly in dhruv ears only They both Can listen
Oh now i understand in this building a secret door Available Need only search the door
Hmm good idea But we have not more time
Tell me we have other option ?
Them pls trust on my plan
Ok i trust
Why i Attract with you
Don't know
You Don't given too much space for me But i like you when we run and enter in this building

Dhruv think
(oh God is it true or daydream one girl propose me)

What are you thinking?

Suddenly shooting start
Both search big Things where They Hide

Sujata come i see 2 barrel come here
Its big and strong

Yes it is
Both enter in barrel and lock the top face
They move barrel

To go outiside as soon as possible
Finally They found the secret door

Quickly They come out and enter in the door
What is this
The inside world is totally different

Both save
They Close the secret door
Them nobody Can Able to find both
Both thankful each other

Suddenly both hug each other and there tears start
Its the magic
Both strangers But They feel
They know each other already .

The End
1:18 AM
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