

Tides of deception.

Chapter 3


Lilith’s heart raced as she opened her eyes, after regaining consciousness and found herself in a state of confusion only being able to recall fragments of what transpired.

The mysterious figure in the now moonlight cabin stood with his back towards her.

“Who are you?”
“What are you doing here?”
“What happened to me?”

Her questions flooded out, but still no answer.

He was tall, she couldn’t see his face at first but her initial hatred towards the figure intensified, fueled by a deep sense of unease and suspicion.

Little did she know their fates were intertwined in ways they couldn’t yet comprehend.
As the tides of deception washed over their lives, secrets began to unravel. Lilith was drawn towards the figure despite her hatred, which felt a little bothersome for her.

One might even say that their encounter became a delicate dance of attraction and repulsion, each moment revealing a new layer of complexities.

Meanwhile, the figure remained clueless about the connection bounding them together but he was rather intrigued by her determination.

Despite his involvement in her “fainting”, he was surprised by her steadfast spirit. This realization deepens his curiosity and sets the stage for further exploration of their connection.

Unbeknownst to him,
Lilith’s disdain masked a deep longing for answers.
The more information she pieced together or got from him,
the more her emotions swirled the turbulent sea.

Her 7


© AnonFlutterShy