

The Chosen

It’s 2045 and Jason is returning home from celebrating his twenty-first birthday. He never thought he would see this day but he somehow managed to survive 97% of the people his age. He should have reached his stop by now but for some reason the train continued moving. No one got off and no one else got on.

He looked around at the other passengers, realizing they didn’t seem bothered by this; closely examining them he noticed that they all appeared to be about his age. Strangely none were dressed as he was and they didn’t appear to be wearing similar styles.
He thought he knew a lot of them but that had to be coincidental.

Why would they be someone he knew? He decided to close his eyes for a few minutes and try to figure out what was going on. After some moments he looked around and came to the conclusion that he for some reason did recognize a majority of those on board the train. He could recall pictures of them in his history and literature books but that couldn’t be. They were all deceased and should even exist at this time.

There was Henry Ford, Aristotle, Catherine the Great, George Washington, Mother Teresa, Pablo Picasso, Karl Marx, Alan Turing, Rachel Carson, Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Ghandi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela, Sojourner Truth, Anne Sullivan/Helen Keller and
Billy Graham. Where were they heading and why was he on the same train when he should be heading home?

Another strange thing was no one was talking or holding any type of conversation. Therefore he just stayed put and stared out the window as they passed through the city. He finally recognized some familiar sights and got up to indicate to the operator that he needed to get off but nothing happened. He tried the signal again but the train continued at the same speed as if having no intention to slow down and stop.

Finally the sights became unfamiliar and he wasn’t sure what to do; so he followed suit and behaved similarly. Just sitting and waiting to see what their destination would be and what the others would do. He had nothing else planned so he just sat back and enjoyed the ride. He closed his eyes and relaxed when he woke up five hours later and everyone was disembarking.

Still everyone was strangely silent and in a single file headed to what looked like an airfield. When he attempted to ask questions everyone shushed him, so he listened and realized they were asking for passports. Knowing he didn’t have one he tried to inform someone but was shushed again. When it was his turn in line he reached into his pocket for his ID and realized that he did have a passport but…

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