

A Loving Deepening Desire.
Ophelia awoke arosed from her dream, suddenly she realised just how moist she appeared inside herself. “Oh my,” she thought. A positive mood was her new focus for the whole of that day.
Oh what a dream, like a period drama feeling again, but not exactly, in the same way.
This was the first time in a very long time that another human being had invaded her heart with such mystery in this way. Through all her years of life, she could only endure the twilight feeling of her heart’s desire for so long, but she would endure it.
Was it the fact that he was filled with such mystery inside of him? Maybe, that was a huge part of it. Twenty minutes or so before he arrived … visualised him sitting on her neighbour’s sofa, that would directly face her sofa, if the wall wasn’t there. She visualised him, parked nearer to the two houses, this particular evening. As she continued to observe Ethan in her mind’s eye, she saw him wearing a dark coloured t-shirt and holding a dark or at least a coloured game controller for the game playing that Ethan enjoyed doing, holding it in his right hand. She observed his dark manlike stubble near to his sensually kissable lips. Such generous and loving mouth, as … recalled the fleeting scene from her dream that Ethan appeared in, the night before, she smiled a wide smile, like the Cheshire Cat smile. Those most loving moments from her dream, were like another introverted confirmation of their unspoken, but very human connection. A connection that had materialised some how one Saturday evening back in the later part of the month of February. It was as it was, but never the less it was there and those feelings did have something about them, as that couldn’t be denied. Ophelia, would always be there for Ethan regardless and she knew that much. As Ethan had created a deepening desire inside Ophelia, which hold it’s own powerful burning sensational intensity for desire. Yet capturing each gentle and most lovingly passing glance that Ethan was not yet ready to recieve completely, due to his sense of insecurity at this present time. Ophelia knew that he would one day, in those future days, that were still yet to come and become linked into their two most intensely curious minds. When Ethan was ready, Ophelia would be waiting for him like a loyal dog awaiting it’s master arrival home.
For we all need to have faith in ourselves and in others to, don’t we?


© Josephine Daniels.